Saturday, 17 March 2012

Cill Tríonóid Naofa (Church of the Holy Trinity Haggerston): Speak the truth!!!

Cill Tríonóid Naofa (Church of the Holy Trinity Haggerston): Speak the truth!!!: Anybody, who knows the truth about his death must speak out or his blood is on their hands, too. Interestingly, all prayer requests I sent ...

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Cill Tríonóid Naofa (Church of the Holy Trinity Haggerston): How very fortunate

Cill Tríonóid Naofa (Church of the Holy Trinity Haggerston): How very fortunate: How very fortunate we are to have a queen, who defends her faith and holds a tight grip on every female, who tries to join herself by asp...

Cill Tríonóid Naofa (Church of the Holy Trinity Haggerston): Cill Naomh Seamous/Order of St James (OSJ): Cill T...

Cill Tríonóid Naofa (Church of the Holy Trinity Haggerston): Cill Naomh Seamous/Order of St James (OSJ): Cill T...: Cill Naomh Seamous/Order of St James (OSJ): Cill Tríonóid Naofa (Church of the Holy Trinity Ha... : Cill Tríonóid Naofa (Church of the Holy ...

Cill Tríonóid Naofa (Church of the Holy Trinity Haggerston): When God's Rage leaves His Patience's Cage

Cill Tríonóid Naofa (Church of the Holy Trinity Haggerston): When God's Rage leaves His Patience's Cage:

God's rage is not an emotion blowing out of proportion
but especially for unrepentant sinners in their bones chilling
as He wants justice for every purposeful sinning, slander, crime
and killing, including abortion, and wants all souls to take up
responsibility for their part in the war against His one holy nation
and its humanity.

It is time to repent, when God says, 'no more messages resent,
I said all there was to say to save even the most malicious soul
from the highest ladder fall.'
His rage is out of its cage, when He expresses His disgust at
all purposeful sinners, who only ever corrupt minds for their
greed and lust, and wenn Er auch in Deutsch und jeder anderen
Sprache verfasst persoenlich mit seinen unbestechlichen Staatsanwaelten
seine international Anklage.

Sein Gerichtshof ist ueberall, wo Menschen sind, und Seine
Gerichtsverhandlung findet statt auch in den Augen von
allen heiligen Seelen und jedem heiligen Kind.
Und nun sich ploetzlich manch ein ewiger Suender und bewusster
Falsch- oder manipulierender PR-Unheilverkuender sich
in der goettlichen Polizeiverhaftungskohorte wiederfind.

So sprecht, wie ich's in diesem Raum vorfind, Ihr Seelen,
denn die meisten von Euch waren schon verdorben und
unmoralisch und boesartig als Kind, und wenn Ihr nicht
endlich bereut, werde ich Euch symbolisch
zum Fruehstueck verspeisen
als Garneelen, und dann koennt Ihr in Eurer eigenen
symbolisch kreierten Hoelle fuer den Rest Eurer Tage
und spaeter in meiner Hoelle fuer die Ewigkeit in
fruchtloser Mueh und Plage schweelen, denn ich nicht
laenger mit meinen heiligen Kindern wegen Euch verzage.

Mathair Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Anno Domini Iesu Christi
15th March MMXII

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Yocheved's Midwifery Cradle:  To God's Glory: With every holy child the world...

Yocheved's Midwifery Cradle: 
A new blog by Mother Sigrid Eliora (Abbey of the Holy Rose)

 To God's Glory: With every holy child the world...:  To God's Glory: With every holy child the world begins anew! Before we entered our mother's womb God knew our name in heaven and ou...

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

P.S.: Speak out, ye Deacons, Priests and take to task your Bishop and the Elders!

P.S.: I am sick and tired of the silence everywhere towards wrongdoing and the truth and one day God will hold all to task, who refused to talk and to act upon the evidence I offered also on many an incident but at least I have found a way of speaking out outside the church, when I realized that the majority on the inside is rotten to the core and there is not enough clergy left with integrity to challenge their superiors. Or is there hope that you finally do?! I was told by a church Elder already some time ago that the Anglo-Catholic  priests below the age of 50 were bribed off to leave the CoE with a pension packet and property promises. The ones over 50 one tries to get rid off by threats and making their lives a living hell, and they are even being mocked and shocked by suddenly appearing 'assistant priests', who have clearly not even the basic knowledge of the mass and desecrate, whenever they can. And then, there are those, who are in high positions in the church, who even openly blaspheme and mock the mass at Easter and admit that other things that point to Satanism are being done after mass, when the faithful are gone. Said from a culpit by a 'chaplain', who interestingly enough also admitted to his favouring young men, and used to work as a chaplain in a boys boarding school.
This very chaplain mocked the whole Easter liturgy and pretended to have forgotten all the words last year...and he teamed up with members of Freemasonry and secret societies, and he is one of many, who do so by now openly. That is, why I left that church, and I was also threatened in there by various members of the congregation in various ways, and told by the Elders that they were not really interested in Anglo-Catholicism and wanted all sorts - each their own thing and agenda. This is only the beginning for many records and memories that are lingering below the surface of many a clergy's story - please, please, please, care enough for Jesus Christ's spiritual church to rip out that weed that has overgrown His mustard seed.

When I have learnt one thing though as a jury member in court recently, then it is that a court case stands and falls on the witnesses and testimonials and on the evidence presented. I don't want to compromise evidence, so, if you have any of any crime that you know of or wrongdoing, then you must hand it over to the police directly.

God bless you!

Mother Sigrid Eliora

 -  Sadly, there are many more of those low lives and thugs and plain criminals in the disguise of clergy, who are being protected instead of their victims by the church hierarchy and by the Elders.
And then there are those church Elders, who bring in organised crime behind the back of the real holy clergy. That is happening, too, and the priests are too scared to speak out because the Elders are good at threatening them even with their lives and with the lives of their loved ones, and the Elders often are based in high positions in society, which is why so much is being covered up, as they use their influence behind the scenes. Some of them hold keys without the knowledge of the priests and are even boasting about their activities and actively recruit even young servers to their secret society, after the priest has left and turn them gradually into Anti-Christs, engaging in all sorts of unlawful and immoral behaviour.

And a majority in the church hierarchy turns a blind eye to all of it, as they are partly involved themselves or threatened,too.
When will the holy priests have the courage to put a stop to this? With silence one supports only the criminals and has the victims also on one's conscience and becomes a partner in crime by association.
A lot of clergy are victims themselves as they have been first groomed as young boys or men into homosexuality, although they were heterosexual and then abused and then forced into a life of immorality at best or even criminality and secret societies in unknown degrees of any notoriety in any variety. I am, quite frankly, disgusted by the silence of many, who know, what is going on and rather play spiritual con than to go expose the church Elders, who play the king in the court of Fellows like some Mafia Don.

The example of these two priests show, how long they got away with their crimes and probably many a server, student, deacon, priest or bishop have been their victims also. And why is it that so many of abusers, who make their behaviour often quite obvious in church functions amongst themselves work even in church schools or are governors?

When wil those amongst the clergy, who are decent and lead a holy life unite and speak out against those, who are not. I know they are sadly in a tiny minority !!! but speak out they must, as otherwise they are being looked upon wrongly and unjustly as partners in crime, which they are not. Now is the time to speak out and to act, and to hold the top hierarchy responsible for any cover up or covering up, if they know anything. Connect and speak out and take also the agencies to task. I am sure the police on a local level and nationally and internationally is now keen to act, too, as too much has been covered up.

Don't be silence - only the truth can set you free! Your sacraments you uphold have long been compromised by those, who only pretend to be clergy and who are actually spies and spread about you also lies. Stand up for Jesus Christ and the truth in all things!
God will give you protection and in the right moment the right angels' wings. There are many examples in your readings...

Have faith and trust in God and be His justice' and truth's Infinit light's rod and sword of the living word - prove that YOU are indeed a worthy and humble and loyal to God shepherd - show to your flock that you have taken in your house stock and confront the Elders, if they are wrong and have committed evil. Put your house in order and throw out the evildoers and hand them over to the police and to God's judgment court.

That surely must be also in the best interest of Rome or Dover!!!

I am with you in prayer,

Mother Sigrid Eliora (Ziggy)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mother Superior <>
Date: 6 March 2012 17:51
Subject: [Cill Naofa Ros Iosa Criost] Fwd: 'Priests' arrested in Eastbourne in abuse inquiry



6 March 2012
Last updated at 14:09

Priests arrested in Eastbourne in sex abuse inquiry

Canon Gordon Rideout and Father Robert Coles Canon Gordon Rideout and Father Robert Coles were arrested separately at their homes
Two retired Church of England priests have been arrested in the Eastbourne area on suspicion of sexually abusing children and young men.
Canon Gordon Rideout, 73, is suspected of sexually assaulting nine young people between 1965 and 1972.
Former parish priest Robert Coles, 70, is suspected of sexually assaulting three young men in West Sussex in the late 1970s and mid-1980s.
Detectives in East Sussex say they are not linking the cases at this stage.
Arrested at home They emphasised there was nothing to suggest that any children were currently at risk.
Continue reading the main story

"Start Quote

The offences were allegedly committed at different times and in different places from each other"
End Quote Det Chief Insp Carwyn Hughes
Sussex Police said the arrests, made at the homes of the two men, are the result of a complex and ongoing reinvestigation.
Canon Rideout, a former rural dean, is suspected of abusing children in Crawley, West Sussex; Barkingside in north-east London and Middle Wallop in Hampshire.
The arrests follow an investigation over the past six months by a team of specialist child protection detectives from Sussex Police.
It follows receipt last year by the Diocese of Chichester and Sussex Police of a confidential review by Dame Elizabeth Butler-Sloss into historic allegations of sexual abuse by Church of England priests against young people in Sussex and elsewhere.
The arrests follow on-going church inquiries into Bishop Wallace Benn, the Bishop of Lewes, who is facing disciplinary action for alleged safeguarding mistakes.
It coincides with an investigation ordered by the Archbishop of Canterbury into child protection failings in churches in Sussex.
Insufficient evidence The force said several allegations against Canon Rideout were made to police in 1972 but no criminal proceedings resulted.
Another related allegation was made to police in 2001 and an arrest was made then but there was not sufficient evidence to justify criminal proceedings.
Canon Rideout conducted services at All Saints Church, Eastbourne until 2010.
In the 1960s he was a chaplain at two Barnado's homes in London.
He was also chaplain at Moira House Girls School in Eastbourne until 2003 and chair of governors at St Mary's special school in Bexhill and Bishop Bell school in Eastbourne.
Recent allegations One of the allegations against against Robert Coles was investigated in 1997, and an arrest was made, but there was insufficient evidence to justify criminal proceedings at that time.
The other allegations have only recently emerged as a result of the current inquiry.
The Rt Rev Mark Sowerby, Acting Bishop of Chichester, said: I can assure the public that the two people who have been arrested were not in licensed ministry recently and the cases are of a historic nature."
Det Chief Insp Carwyn Hughes said: "Although they have been arrested on the same day the cases against the two men are being treated as separate inquiries at this stage.
"The offences were allegedly committed at different times and in different places from each other.
"There are no allegations of recent or current offending and police emphasise that there is nothing to suggest that any children are currently at risk."

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KATHOLIKOS: universal
KY RIAKE: belonging to the Lord
ECCLESIA: the gathering of the holy souls in the Name of Jesus Christ


KATHOLIKOS: universal
KY RIAKE: belonging to the Lord
ECCLESIA: the gathering of the holy souls in the Name of Jesus Christ

Sunday, 4 March 2012

[Cill Naofa Ros Iosa Criost] P.S.: Into God's Silence


Subject: [Cill Naofa Ros Iosa Criost] P.S.: Into God's Silence
Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2012 03:47:33 +0000

P.S.S.: When all sacraments are being defiled and desecrated and mocked including that of reconciliation, in a building that is being listed as a church, then it is not a house of God but the den of the devil. Full stop. When a priest has to warn a repentant soul, not to give a confession because the building is bugged or the confession could be overheard by somebody, who betrays the confidentiality and even sells off the 'information', then what is left of an international organisation, no matter, which Catholic denomination, that only fears for its reputation because it stands to loose its assets, when it becomes known that spies have their roles as moles and pretender clergy and laity outgrown, and are not only in their neighbourhood but worldwide for their criminal organisation suddenly known. Organised crime like church treasure theft and child and psychological and drugs abuse, human trafficking and pickpocketing even of baby blankets out of greed and for purposefully spreading weed as a satanistic or paganistic secret or public Freemasonry exercise to climb the ladder to the pyramid top, so that one can from there again back into one's own created hell hop - if I were a defender of the faith by title - I would be bursting with God's rage from toe to sheitl and it would not me amuse.

But then, I am just a simple woman, what do I know - I have no idea, what is going on - I only stay away from every spiritual and vicious and malicious con, who boasts about his crime even under the nose of a holy priest and holy woman and holy child in a building that is not, what it seems to be - I for my part rather look stupid but stick to holiness in my life and get stabbed for that every Saturday by ever so clever Freemasons and other secret society crooks and poisonous satanistic cooks in many degrees of notorieties in any given varieties 'symbolically' and 'literally' for that with a ritual knife - as God saved over and again also in reality my life, and I am for sure NOT even in my worst nightmare one of many a devil's polygamous wife.

By the way, a priest, who does the sanctity of the confession betray, won't even go back into the clay, as that is only for those, who did before the last moment of Christ's return did repent and proved that they started to live on His way - his sins are retained, as he has from true repentance refrained and has even now a holy priest and a holy woman with his own filth and grime and crime stained, and had many a part in the planning of  having them also in body ritually slained. How do I know? Well, there are some souls, who after all did not want from God's grace to fall and have truly answered in the last second their final call and told all and so, their former spymasters do no longer hold all but it is in God's hands that the truth emerges evermore clearly and constantly stronger. And for every devil's bride it is suddenly over with the luxurious trip with a holdall lucky dip at the cost of the poorest of the poor - and they might get stranded, where they rather would have not landed, as they never in their worst drug induced visions would have seen that their got long lost in their delusion and power obsession and plain sanded.

And as for the church as the bride of Christ - that has never existed in a building that is listed and thus cannot even get a divorce or get by any kind of
sinful jetset society, as Jesus Christ has long returned to His own little family of true friends and that stays away from every bully and thug, as we do not like to be secretly being transported out of a house in a rug, if some pervert, who chops up bodies at a shrine for a pseudo-saintly living lives out his murderous phantasy under a drug.

No mind can invent a more gruesome story than the reality of hell that is acting for the wrong master's glory in many a desecrated building with the devil's bell. And I give thanks to God that I have lived the Catholic (=universal) truth to His glory to tell - but that will only be available for free to those, who truly follow Jesus Christ in His own true holy See, and that has no building and no membership fee but lives in our hearts and comes alive in our souls; and our deeds in holiness become flesh as we are a living prayer, when we are not from God's commandments simplified in Jesus Christ's living law are a strayer and surrender all our gifts to Jesus Christ, the Son of God begot. We give thanks to God for sending us His Infinite Light in every situation as His holy truth's rod. And I do not accept any donations, especially not of a pod, and those, who wanted the messenger shot of the Holy Rose better examine their heads and confess that they also poisoned the wine and breads, and clear up finally their conscience, as no holy deacon or priest with integrity clears any longer up a devil worshipper's or other Anti-Christ's mess.

And there is plenty of that still also to tidy up from bad ol' Bess I., who had not only for sherry but for all sorts an insatiable blood thirst.
God works in mysterious ways, and He holds also for timing the key and He no longer unpunishedly looks on, when a spiritual con a holy souls slays.

God bless you!

Mother Sigrid Eliora/
Mutter Oberin Sigrid Eliora Agocsi
Abbey of the Holy Rose

Subject: Into God's silence
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2012 15:53:28 +0000

When a holy child shivers in disgust and horror at the images she had to endure through deacons, priests and bishops in disguise and vicious and malicious church Elders and members in the churches she knew, then a holy mother knows it is time to stay away from desecrated places like that, as I cannot explain to her, why a church hierarchy and authority would have no integrity left to sort out the evil and drive out the worshippers of the devil of the two churches she thought were once her spiritual home. I have only one prayer left: That God may take to task all those, who have worn purposefully in the church of all denominations a secret society and Freemason mask and put all wrong right without the need of any unholy fight.

And the day will come that all those low lives and thugs, who have betrayed this and every other holy child and soul in that they from God's commandments and Jesus Christ's path strayed will have to face the silent grief and rage of God in the eyes of their victims, who will be also in heaven the witnesses to all this evil that was committed out of simple greed and lust and delusional power obsession.

Those, who do not repent and do penance gracefully and with a contrite heart will have their sins retained, as to this very day they have in the world and into God's face from their heartfelt confession refrained, and I, for my part, will make on the true spiritual church of Jesus Christ to nobody a concession and if a child knows the truth in her heart because 'Jesus Christ told me so', then why is it that church leaders seem to be deaf in their hearts and blind to the facts and put on the most appalling blasphemous acts to cover up the holy but simple truth?!

We know the answer, and so did once Ruth, but what can one expect from Elders, who rather believe in fate welders than in God to trust, and who have betrayed already Eve by teaming up with the rattling snake and the screeching mandrake.
My daughter and I will no longer from this poisoned bread and wine partake!
And for all crimes against us and others we have plenty of evidence but we leave it to God to put a just end to every blasphemy and decadence and spiritual pestilence.

God bless you!

Mother Sigrid Eliora

Abbey of the Holy Rose

P.S.: As the Order of the Holy Rose (OHR) seems to have been infiltrated behind my back also, as recently somebody even did not only into mine but also into my bishop's account hack, I have moved on as a precaution into our virtual Abbey of the Holy Rose, which is only alive and well in our lives and free of any member of hell, as we do not answer nor ring any desecrated church bell, and I give thanks to God that I have lived the truth at least to the lost sheep independently and freely to tell in the meadow free of any evil shadow.

KATHOLIKOS: universal
KY RIAKE: belonging to the Lord
ECCLESIA: the gathering of the holy souls in the Name of Jesus Christ