Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Into God's silence


From: mothersuperiorohr@hotmail.com
To: benedictxvi@vatican.va; bischof_ralph@jesus-liebt-dich.info
Subject: Into God's silence
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2012 15:53:28 +0000

When a holy child shivers in disgust and horror at the images she had to endure through deacons, priests and bishops in disguise and vicious and malicious church Elders and members in the churches she knew, then a holy mother knows it is time to stay away from desecrated places like that, as I cannot explain to her, why a church hierarchy and authority would have no integrity left to sort out the evil and drive out the worshippers of the devil of the two churches she thought were once her spiritual home. I have only one prayer left: That God may take to task all those, who have worn purposefully in the church of all denominations a secret society and Freemason mask and put all wrong right without the need of any unholy fight.

And the day will come that all those low lives and thugs, who have betrayed this and every other holy child and soul in that they from God's commandments and Jesus Christ's path strayed will have to face the silent grief and rage of God in the eyes of their victims, who will be also in heaven the witnesses to all this evil that was committed out of simple greed and lust and delusional power obsession.

Those, who do not repent and do penance gracefully and with a contrite heart will have their sins retained, as to this very day they have in the world and into God's face from their heartfelt confession refrained, and I, for my part, will make on the true spiritual church of Jesus Christ to nobody a concession and if a child knows the truth in her heart because 'Jesus Christ told me so', then why is it that church leaders seem to be deaf in their hearts and blind to the facts and put on the most appalling blasphemous acts to cover up the holy but simple truth?!

We know the answer, and so did once Ruth, but what can one expect from Elders, who rather believe in fate welders than in God to trust, and who have betrayed already Eve by teaming up with the rattling snake and the screeching mandrake.
My daughter and I will no longer from this poisoned bread and wine partake!
And for all crimes against us and others we have plenty of evidence but we leave it to God to put a just end to every blasphemy and decadence and spiritual pestilence.

God bless you!

Mother Sigrid Eliora

Abbey of the Holy Rose

P.S.: As the Order of the Holy Rose (OHR) seems to have been infiltrated behind my back also, as recently somebody even did not only into mine but also into my bishop's account hack, I have moved on as a precaution into our virtual Abbey of the Holy Rose, which is only alive and well in our lives and free of any member of hell, as we do not answer nor ring any desecrated church bell, and I give thanks to God that I have lived the truth at least to the lost sheep independently and freely to tell in the meadow free of any evil shadow.

KATHOLIKOS: universal
KY RIAKE: belonging to the Lord
ECCLESIA: the gathering of the holy souls in the Name of Jesus Christ

Monday, 27 February 2012

ATHAIR IOSA CRIOST AND MATHAIR MAIRI MADAILEIN: The Seagull International: Maurer ohne Freiheit, G...

ATHAIR IOSA CRIOST AND MATHAIR MAIRI MADAILEIN: The Seagull International: Maurer ohne Freiheit, G...: The Seagull International: Maurer ohne Freiheit, Gesellschaften ohne Wahrheit... : Also ehrlich, wenn man so um die Welt fliegt, wird die im...

Kopflose Tweets - like the black dots between two parchment sheets







'Kein Rauch ohne Feuer', sagt oft der Volksmund. Aber leider wird manchmal Feuer gelegt von denen, die Gott noch wollen mit Grollen im Bauch ersticken lassen an ihrem absichtlich erzeugten Verleumdungsschmauch, und die Wahrheit kann dann werden selbst posthum fuer die gottlosen Brandstifter noch extrem teuer, wenn sich herausstellt, dass selbst ein Strohfeuer gegen manche heilige Seele wurde bezahlt heimlich, still und leise von der Kirchen- oder einer noch nachtraeglich erfundenen Geheimratssteuer.


Die meisten Heiligen sind nur im Himmel bekannt, aber dort sind sie beruehmt und jeder lebende Heilige sie auch auf Erden kennt, denn sie retten jeden, der sich aus Versehen in die Hoelle verrennt und aus Erschoepfung die Frist fuer ein Gnadengesuch aus Reue im Himmel verpennt. Uebrigens, die meisten Lebensretter sind von einschlaegigen religioesen Instanzen, selbst wenn sie ueberwacht werden mit Spionagewanzen, niemals offiiziell anerkannt, aber das ist den wahrhaft Bescheidenen und reuigen Suendern und Rueckkehrern zu Gott ganz egal, denn die haben sich noch nie gekuemmert um ihren eigenen Platz in einem Kloster- oder sonstigem Buecherregal.

Zu denen, die im Namen Jesu Christi und Gottes einen Krieg beginnen oder ein Feuer legen, oder auch nur im Entferntesten Mordgelueste hegen, habe ich nur das Eine zu sagen: Die sollten auf keinen Fall wagen, in einem Hause Gottes einen Priesterkragen zu tragen oder so zu tun, als taeten sie Friedensverhandlungen und gute nachbarschaftliche Beziehungen pflegen, denn die wird Gott hoechstpersoenlich aus dem Juengsten Gerichtssaal mit deren Hexenbesen herausfegen. Seids gewesen!!! Denn Daemonen ruft niemals nicht einmal zu Seinem Zwecke hervor Jesus Christus als Gott und unser aller Meister, denn die koennen ja  nicht einmal die Wahrheit im richtigen Winkel und der richtigen Mischung tapezieren mit Tapetenkleister, sondern gehen immer nur im Kreise um die Hexagone spazieren und beschaeftigen sich als Geister mit einem Golemklone!






God bless you!

Mother Superior,

A Catholic order in the Angl.-Catholic tradition 
in affiliation with Bishop Ralph Napierski in union
with the RCC

Friday, 24 February 2012

[Cill Naofa Ros Iosa Criost] Saint Merlin and Saint Robert Devereux ask: Who in their sound mind...


God bless you!

Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose

Saint Merlin and Saint Robert Devereux ask: Who in their sound mind?

Who in their sound mind would put sugar in their tea and would treat the labourers as slaves and as a nuisance like a flea and dump them in paupers' graves?

Who in their sound mind would burn down the city of London in 1666 only to have it rebuilt by a satanistic guild that abuses Jesus Christ's cross and Solomon's seal for blasphemy as their shield and dedicates buildings as devil's den that are designed by some illegitimate Ben? Easy answer, as every crime seems somehow always and again with secret society and the same lame game and keyplayers to rhyme.

Who in their sound mind would put holy souls through their mind's grind only to steal treasures beyond worldly measures from churches in the lurches that were meant to feed the poor in the world and would make a true story teller look like a spiritual crook - one, who spreads heresy in a bestseller book and who from Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala and Philip every true hook took but with his own lies by spies their holy truth to nothingness shook.
Who in their  sound mind would build generations on sandcastles and make a living on the death of others - of innocent fathers, mothers, sisters and brothers, only to fill his bank account that now does to red through 'eternal mortal sin unrepented' amount and God and Jesus Christ did every single stone count that they purposefully threw from the culpit and the pew? One, who hated the idea of true love in purity and the concept of holy matrimony in monogamy and the living example of a spinster or batchelor living in blessed voluntary celibacy.

Who in their sound mind would sell weapons and then ring a church bell?

Who in their sound mind would engage in whoremongering, when at the same time he pretends for Jesus Christ's spiritual church to be fishmongering.

Who in their sound mind would chop up bones by wearing cones at a shrine that is as Catholic as a golden cow is a swine and that is as Anglophile as some Greek Theophile is the head of an ancient international human trafficking organisation using the crusaders and other invaders to host with their monasteries all the wrong and poisonous bread and wine? A high ranking pretender-cop, who stinks of corruption like already any Egyptian, Roman and Ancient Greek boar or domesticated Swyne, and who frames the righteous in all governments, or a mocking judge,who some sort of involvement in secret societies before God only blasphemously 'repents' to keep his favour with Elizabeth I., although she put him onto it herself, when she showed him her secret collection of fiction that she sold him as truth and herself as Ruth in the bookshelf.

Mother Sigrid Eliora
Anno Domini Iesu Christi  24th February MMXII       

KATHOLIKOS: universal
KY RIAKE: belonging to the Lord
ECCLESIA: the gathering of the holy souls in the Name of Jesus Christ

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Saint Merlin and Saint Robert Tweets

Saint Merlin and Saint Robert Tweets

Jesus Christ asks from Elizabeth I., what she was thinking, when she was in Walsingham and elsewhere, like in Anne Donne's childhood house in Loseley Park was all the enemies of God and His Catholic church linking but at the same time was also with secret societies all sorts of blood drinking from a cup that is to this very day not shining despite all piratery gems and stolen church treasures and only in rather subdued light with a touch of her ice cold frost towards Robert Devereux blinking.

Saint Merlin and Saint Robert wonder, especially as the latter thought only upon his execution that he did not really ponder once earlier yonder the mention of her name, how Elizabeth I. could live with herself knowing that she picked and mixed all heresy and sold it as church history in her bookshelf, and even to this very day her snakes on the dress are still rather a murderous attitude towards every Anglo-Catholic Father showing, and the number of suspicious deaths and corpses and burglaries inspired by her piratery greed in order to establish her very own version of her theatrical perversion of a rather accumulated Shakesperean creed are even now steadily growing, as she was never Jesus Christ's mustard seed but some airy-fairy spy machinery weed sowing, and evensong was an affair of screeching mandrakes, of which even the most patient of all, Jesus Christ, no longer partakes.

Saint Merlin and Saint Robert find it really strange, how history repeats itself, at least in some instances of events and positions and constellations, when they heard that the present Elizabeth was also surprised in her bedroom not with her groom but by a mad stranger, who thought in his youth he could fill with her once upon a time even a manger. And they do not take it likely that Saint Merlin as a Catholic convert is being misrepresented by some Deranger as a wizard - what can one expect from a bookshelf that is full of a lizard and an elf caught up in a blizzard nightmare of a girl that wanted to be a witch and to win herself the golden magic snitch but then got to know that her own family was involved in a secret society at a shrine that even buried anonymously holy souls in an unmarked  ditch. And the mandrake still does screech out of pitch and the girl does now as a grown up woman her voodoo doll after every knife attack anew for her grade work stitch and uses it even to manipulate her opinion poll.

Saint Merlin and Saint Robert are watching especially over Walsingham and Essex and Ireland and are weary of too many offers of a cup of false kindness lately even from the invented monster of Loch Ness, and they wonder, when finally any sinner, who is hiding from public view and thinks his secret treasure possessions of stolen church treasures are a winner, will his and her mess confess, as the Saints, when they came marching in, saw even from auld lang syne many a well-known coat and dress invaluable even in worldly measures and withheld from the poor and needy by the greedy and the seedy, who want to play god and devil all at the same time on the mountain of the witches or on a hill not so far away by going from Lent and especially from the eternal holy truth of God astray. This time, Jesus Christ said, those unrepentant souls have once too often taken us for a ride and tried to let go under my ship - I now their false confession in the box skip and send them back instantly upon their arrival into the clay and I have already released that into my flock's subconsciousness stream, so that all my sheep know, who does and who does not in holiness glow, as now I turn the table and put on those, who about my truth lied and tried to turn me into a fable and to copy even my nickname by God that He did on me alone bestow as the Holy Rose, and on me and my family of friends spied, all their due blame and shame and then they will have to hide even from the sad and justice demanding eyes of Mary Magdala, whose soul was also upon Eve, from the beginning of time, and my eternal one and only bride and wife. And that is the simple reason for all this ongoing high treason in any given season and for any kind of filth, grime and crime. And I no longer a desecrated building's bell chime but report to the authorities that are not corrupt all that I have seen with my little eye that did also on all traitors and evildoers rightfully spy. And I do not lie!!!

God bless you!

 Mother Sigrid Eliora
Anno Domini Iesu Christi 22nd February MMXII
Remember: It is your choice alone, whether you wear a secret society coat and cone or whether you serve God alone and surrender your weapons and repent. You know, what you are doing, if you lie and spie and murder and steal and betray not only in Lent, so your sins are retained, if you have from repentance with a true heart refrained with your voice.


KATHOLIKOS: universal
KY RIAKE: belonging to the Lord
ECCLESIA: the gathering of the holy souls in the Name of Jesus Christ

St Merlin Tweets: Naomh Robert Devereux, Martyr

Thursday, 23 February 2012

St Merlin Tweets: Naomh Robert Devereux, Martyr

ST MERLIN TWEETS: Naomh Robert Devereux, Martyr

What a sad, sad story of his life, but before his death he confessed and let weapons rest forevermore and brought at last his treasure ship to Jesus Christ's shore of the highest heavenly gift: the truth. But that has been hidden by Elisabeth I. and her cronies because she never intended to heal any rift but only ever wanted also set herself in Walsingham a shrine as a religious shift to have herself worshipped by mammon and by many a Satanistic and heretical ritualistic and pompously and brutally and most vulgarly immoral swine, who even teamed up with Satanists and just any secret society, who consecutively still poisoned the vine.

But Jesus Christ says: The truth and the way to it and now also the keys are MINE!!!

And He adds: Donate your secret society coats to the poor and dress from now on in sack and ashes instead of organising after carneval in Lent your evermore violent bashes as I have seen and heard all about your plans from one, who as Lady Egerton from one to the other unholy brother dashes like in the olden days, when she betrayed already her husband and all my friends and tried to prevent the marriage of John and Anne Donne with her every spiritual con. Time's up, yup! With the likes of you, ye rotten pikes, I will have nevermore in my own see shore not any cup!!!
As you poisoned even the poisson for my wife Mary Magdala and her chocolates and wine - For Auld lang Syne, I stay away from ye Swyne!


KATHOLIKOS: universal
KY RIAKE: belonging to the Lord
ECCLESIA: the gathering of the holy souls in the Name of Jesus Christ

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Tweeties on Ash Wednesday

Tweeties on Ash Wednesday and, please, don't call holy souls 'Sweeties'

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Repent, repent, repent - it is NOW Lent

Repent,repent,repent&have your truth records ready for inspection,as Jesus Christ had asked for them before His Advent&no more defection!

If God looks mad because He is so sad, then He has had finally enough of being treated with Jesus Christ like an idiot and ever so rough by the Elders, who are on them spying and about them lying and allround tough.ENOUGH IS ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!

If all the saints help God to finally put down His foot on the devil that old git and clown with his home-made evil golden cow shit, then  the spies, who always tell about Him and Jesus Christ lies are no longer unnoticed, and in vain will be their threats of a hit by a nun with a gun or a car's hit or the electrical main, as tooting the horn are the cars of Jesus Christ's true friends and those of Mary Magdala, who are free of any thorn and want all criminals behind bars.

KATHOLIKOS: universal
KY RIAKE: belonging to the Lord
ECCLESIA: the gathering of the holy souls in the Name of Jesus Christ

Tweets from God's Ice to Lava

This little light of mine I let it shine but not in some murky brine,where a swine offers an eel for vine-such fishermen will God's ice feel


KATHOLIKOS: universal
KY RIAKE: belonging to the Lord
ECCLESIA: the gathering of the holy souls in the Name of Jesus Christ

Die Asche des Kreuzes

Wer die Asche des Kreuzes im Herzen traegt,der niemals am Baum des Lebens& der Wahrheit von Jesus Christus saegt&nie seinen Einsatz abwaegt.

KATHOLIKOS: universal
KY RIAKE: belonging to the Lord
ECCLESIA: the gathering of the holy souls in the Name of Jesus Christ

Tweets from Ash


Tweets are not always Sweets but can be also ash before Shrove Tuesday about God's Sadness about man's trash

One cannot begin to comprehend,what God will do with an unrepentant sinner in the end,as He only does to a repentant soul His hand lend.

If you want to redeem yourself for lies also in a bookshelf&slander&theft&murder&worse,then surrender the ash of holy bodies from your trash.

The devil doesn't even get at his own shore anymore from the babylonian whore a free meal,as she has lost the copy of their deal& fake seal.

Don't you know,asks God,that I hold on creation the original seal&you won't get a deal as the devil isn't entitled anymore to a free meal.

Don't you dare to come under my all-seeing eye,says God,until I have asked you before all:WHY?!Why didst you not freely share?You don't care!

Wow,says God,awesome that you worship in my own house the golden cow-are you for real?What have you eaten?Some sponsored junk food meal?

Whosoever puts his trust rather in a banknote than in God,has also to the poison of a Eucharistic chalice of a holy father an anti-dote.

Wow,God says,it really makes my days,when a secret society demonstrates 'power' by manipulating their heresy in their artificial mirror rays

When God rips off every secret society mask,then all wearers are being taken to task also as the coffin of lies by spies' public pallbearers

God feels only evermore disdain&evey single blood&character stain of souls,who have living saints slain&even lied knowingly about Cain.

God is on the brink at an eye'sb link to make man once again in a fishtank think filled with their own filthy stink from their polluted rain

Do war&whoremongers really think that God would that low sink that He would drink from their poison&clean up for them their thinktank stink?

So many secret chapels&chaplains of hidden captains,who play royal&who are never to God&His law loyal but demand all from His lightning rod.

It must be that time of year,when carnival is over&God instills some almighty fear even from Rome to Dover,as His Holy One did already hover

The latest offer in the funeral industry is to arrange in lightspeed hearse rides from the public coffer to scare even a Hun with a gun.

A priest,who at night at a shrine saws murder victim's bones as saints' relics,must be wearing secret society cones&crown all with stones.

Worrying is a former priest turned funeral director,who boasts about cannibalistic Sunday roasts in a church from his secret society's lurch

With so many priests out of a job,one must not be surprised to see some as a yob or funeral director with a fob to give dead meat to a mob.

Die Asche am kommenden Mittwoch wird keine alte Masche,wenn Gottes Blut in Glut&Wut kocht&er vorzeigt als Beweis f.Verrat eine Giftflasche.

This little light of mine I let it shine but not in some murky brine,where a swine offers an eel for vine-such fishermen will God's ice feel

Retweeted by Mother Sigrid Eliora

If not sure,whether s.b.offers the right cure,then remember:the one&only right one of Jesus Christ is free&for the soul pure in His Holy See

Wer Suender tut umgarnen,der tut auch schmutzige Geschaefte als Wohltaetigkeit tarnen&davor tat schon Jesus Christ beim ersten Mal warnen.

If a leader refuses to live a holy life&chooses weapon deals&mistresses over his wife,then he is a head of a devil's den with sword or knife

Holy priests are being betrayed by Elders,who are behind their backs secret society fate welders&make the priest look like a crook&spook.

It is a sad fact that the membership of secret societies is in churches from the lurches very intact &it is time to end that devil's pact.

True charity begins,when public funding ends,as it comes from the heart&is done selflessly&tirelessly&whenever possible anonymously.

Wer mit den Armen nicht hat Erbarmen&will nicht seinen Reichtum teilen&Kranke umsonst heilen,der tut nicht im himml.Koenigreich verweilen.

Augustinus&Luther sassen irgendwie im selben Kutter mit Mutter,da die Piraten in deren See stehlen immer noch den Schafen&Hirten die Butter.

Gott mag es gar nicht,wenn am Montag durch den Kakao gezogen wird Seine Heilige Rose&so zerrt Er vors Juengste Gericht jedes Maskengesicht.

Der Tod ist ein Meister aus Deutschland,sagt es in einem Gedicht,das immer mehr rueckt in ein helleres Licht mit so mancher wahren Geschicht

Moralische Instanz verkommt zum Mummenschanz,wenn man im Karneval noch beginnt einen politischen Eiertanz auch mit Ehe-Sakrament&Monstranz.

Ein Pastor ist keine moralische Instanz,wenn er sich nur so nennt,und mit einer Konkubine unter ein pseudo-eheliches Dach zum Tanz verrennt.

BBC News - Man held over John Suddards and Betty Yates murders bbc.in/yyAX3H

Jesus Christ&wife want all simply to abhor all sin&to lead by example a holy life with their next of kin&to knead with truth THE free bread.

KATHOLIKOS: universal
KY RIAKE: belonging to the Lord
ECCLESIA: the gathering of the holy souls in the Name of Jesus Christ