Tuesday 21 February 2012

Repent, repent, repent - it is NOW Lent

Repent,repent,repent&have your truth records ready for inspection,as Jesus Christ had asked for them before His Advent&no more defection!

If God looks mad because He is so sad, then He has had finally enough of being treated with Jesus Christ like an idiot and ever so rough by the Elders, who are on them spying and about them lying and allround tough.ENOUGH IS ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!

If all the saints help God to finally put down His foot on the devil that old git and clown with his home-made evil golden cow shit, then  the spies, who always tell about Him and Jesus Christ lies are no longer unnoticed, and in vain will be their threats of a hit by a nun with a gun or a car's hit or the electrical main, as tooting the horn are the cars of Jesus Christ's true friends and those of Mary Magdala, who are free of any thorn and want all criminals behind bars.

KATHOLIKOS: universal
KY RIAKE: belonging to the Lord
ECCLESIA: the gathering of the holy souls in the Name of Jesus Christ

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